Tuesday, December 21, 2010

B. Frank: Death Tax Not Punishment; Heirs Didn't Do Anything to Deserve Inheritance

Should college students have to pay taxes on their tuition paid by their parents? They didn't earn it, either.

Heirs DID help earn the estate - sometimes through working in the family business and sometimes through sacrifice and support of the dead relative.

And what about welfare recipients? Not those who cannot work, but those who will not work. They didn't earn it, either.

And the government didn't earn it, either.

Slavery has reversed itself. Now tax payers are slave to those who receive their taxes.

Gift giving = 13,000.00/ year - should heirs be allowed to have 13,000.00 x the number of years the benefactor accumulated wealth?

What about dependents - they didn't work for the money but benefit from it because the bread winner supports them. Are they to be taxed also?

Right...the government NEVER earns it. Doesn't stop the raging left from its incapacity to deal with the FACT it's NOT THEIR MONEY. And it's not for them to decide it's the government's money FIRST, before it's ours. Nor will it ever be.

Amplify’d from www.breitbart.tv
Should college students have to pay taxes on their tuition paid by their parents? They didn't earn it, either.

Heirs DID help earn the estate - sometimes through working in the family business and sometimes through sacrifice and support of the dead relative.

And what about welfare recipients? Not those who cannot work, but those who will not work. They didn't earn it, either.

And the government didn't earn it, either.

Slavery has revered itself. Now tax payers are slave to those who receive their taxes.

Gift giving = 13,000.00/ year - should heirs be allowed to have 13,000.00 x the number of years the benefactor accumulated wealth?

What about dependents - they didn't work for the money but benefit from it because the bread winner supports them. Are they to be taxed also?

"This person exemplifies what is WRONG with Washington and Gov't in general. How does he know what the heirs did? Did they work the farm? Did they invest, financially, in the family business? Perhaps the 'heir' is the wife. Does she deserve to *not* benefit from her investment? Gov't wants every penny we have. And they are planning to take it by hook-or-by-crook....or just plain ol' taxation. This man and his ilk are destroying the American Dream while they continue to suck off of the taxpayers til they die." - Jatfla
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